Shek Jael   

Economic Impact Through Innovation art piece

Meet the 2023 Economic Impact Through Innovation winner, Smart Skin Technologies here.


Economic growth leads to employment through investment, energy, ideas, and collaborative effort. It is the same in nature: a collection of energy inputs allows for a flower to bloom, for buds to unfold, and for fruit to ripen on the vine.

The piece shows the creation and growth of a plant facilitated by collaborative efforts. The central character is a whimsical creature tending to the lush natural world that surrounds it. It has a dual purpose - to oversee and ensure future growth - but also to experience the benefits of that growth. It understands, of course, that this is not only a space for self-enjoyment, but a space that enriches many. The creature is multi-faceted; it is shown doing several things at once, demonstrating that the effort which fosters growth requires ongoing and various methods of tending.

Economic Impact leads to employment, and employment sustains livelihood – a cycle that continues to grow through innovation.

Shek Jael, (Nesting Eyes), is an Illustrator & Designer based in Fredericton, New Brunswick.